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  • Writer's pictureAnita Mattson-Hesketh

My Very First Blog Post!

It's one of those things that sits on your business to-do list for a very long time, am I right?! And sometimes, you take it off there completely, because it's not the right time. Or you get super busy and life gets in the way.

Well, I have to say I didn't expect to start my very first blog post today. Now, I write A LOT. I journal every day. I'm always needing descriptions for new products. I've even started writing two books (stay tuned to see if they ever come to fruition!). And this blog has come about today as a form of procrastination.

Because I've finally got the bandwith to sit and build my Flower School website. I bought the domain back in March. At the beginning of wedding season. And any of my fellow suppliers will know all bets are off during wedding season.

And then it hit me - wouldn't it be a great idea to add a blog! So here we are. I can't promise it will be super funny, or very consistent. But it will be here, to track the growth of Flower School and my business journey from here on out - which has been a wild ride up until now! So stay tuned to hear all about it.

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